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Psychology & Psycho-Spiritual Coaching

Elmira Strange (MPhil / PhD) is a Psychologist who worked previously as a senior Research Psychologist and Lecturer at the University of Wales, UK.

In 2012, Elmira had to undergo life-saving surgery (with the remaining 3 days to survive) where she experienced a 'Near-Death Experience' which started her inner journey into spiritual realms

Throughout all her online courses and videos,  she is bringing psycho-spiritual content that helps the viewers to transform their mindset and create new realities. Amongst her courses, you will find those related to Psychology, Counselling, Coaching, and of course Spirituality

Currently, Elmira is a Digital Nomad & Psycho-Spiritual Coach, helping people all over the world to transform their realities and create happier living

Up-to-date, there are over 115,000+ students that took her online courses (Udemy, Skillshare, personal websites, and other online schools)
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